Trade Resources Policy & Opinion The Suggestions Of Online reputation management expert JW Maxx Solutions

The Suggestions Of Online reputation management expert JW Maxx Solutions

It is plain and simple: the days of anonymous internet posting are over. The internet is no longer a safe-haven for people looking to harass competitors or individuals. Libelous accusations can be tracked down, and proper legal action can be taken, if the victim feels that they are being harassed. In a recent court case in Texas, a couple was awarded over $13 million in a defamation case they made against their aggressor. After nearly a year of posting false accusations on web forums, the attacker was slapped with a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

Online reputation management expert JW Maxx Solutions suggests that people think twice before attempting to ruin the reputation of others, online. Reality-based opinions are one thing, but hurtful lies about individuals can wind up costing the original poster millions, as seen in the case in Texas. If the proper legal authorities demand it, Internet providers can trace Internet protocol addresses from a posting in question, through the internet, and directly to a specific computer.

In another recent case, a Massachusetts teenager is facing a possible 20 years in prison after posting a rap video online that set off red flags with authorities. While this specific case did not target any specific individuals, if it did, the victims could have easily turned around and sues the parents of the teen. Online reputation management expert JW Maxx Solutions recommends that parents monitor their child's internet presence, to avoid such an event from surfacing.


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Online Reputation Management Expert Warns of The Dangers of "Anonymous" Internet Defamation