Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Here Are Some Tips Were Given to Keep That Bathtub Sparkling and as Good as New

Here Are Some Tips Were Given to Keep That Bathtub Sparkling and as Good as New

Tackling tough stains and removing the heavy buildup of grime on bathtubs can be a tough task. However, there are several inexpensive and effective ways to clean bathtubs. It is ideal then, to use these homemade cleaning solutions, along with the tips given below, to keep that bathtub sparkling and as good as new.

Before Cleaning a Bathtub
Always ensure you are wearing gloves while cleaning a bathtub and dealing with different cleaning solutions.

Keep in mind the kind of material you are dealing with while cleaning your bathtub. If it is acrylic, remember to use soft cleaning materials, like a nonabrasive sponge, or a plastic cleaning brush with soft bristles. Doing otherwise will scratch the tub and make it difficult to clean the tub in the future. Consider this rule even while cleaning fiberglass bathtub.

Instead of using cleaning solutions that may or may not show results, it is better to use homemade cleaners for the bathtub, and to adhere to a regular cleaning regime in order to prevent a buildup of grime and soap scum that is difficult to clean at one go.

Even if you have tough stains to deal with while cleaning a bathtub, adhere to a regular cleaning regime rather than trying to attack the stain at once, as you might be tempted to use harsh cleaning products and materials that will ultimately damage the bathtub.

If you wish to clean an enamel tub steer clear of the use of bleach, as that will lead to permanent damage.

Once You Begin
Take a bath puff on which some shampoo has been poured, and rub it all along the bathtub. Rinse thoroughly with water. This will help remove the soap deposits, and help keep its collection at bay.

Cleaning with baking soda is an effective way of cleaning a bathtub. Add vinegar to baking soda, to make a good scouring paste. Scrub the bathtub with this paste. Allow it to rest for a while, and then rinse it thoroughly with warm water. This will help remove the mildew and soap collection on the tub.

In a quart of warm water, add in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar, and pour this solution in a spraying bottle. Now spray your bathtub with this cleaner, and as is the case with all other cleaning methods, allow it to rest for about 5-10 minutes. Use a soft plastic brush to clean the tub, to remove all the grime.

To clean the grout around the bathtub, apply hydrogen peroxide to the grout, and allow it to rest for 5 minutes. Clean it up with a toothbrush or a grout brush, followed by a thorough warm water rinse.

Scrub the bathtub with borax and then rinse the tub.

Several people have achieved wonderful results with the use of oven cleaner. However, remember while using it to avoid contact with a shower curtain or any other fabric in the bathroom as it will ruin it.

To clean a tough stain, make a paste of 2 parts baking soda with one part hydrogen peroxide, and apply it to the stain while letting it sit for about 30-60 minutes. For better results, keep scrubbing the stain with a soft sponge, as this will begin to slowly reduce the stain.

For cleaning bathtub drain, remove the drain cover, and pour in a drain cleaning solution or use a homemade drain cleaner. In the mean time, scrub the drain sifter with 1 part ammonia and 3 parts water. This will remove all the calcium deposits and other collected grime on the sifter. Also, if the holes on the sifter are clogged, use a toothpick to pierce through the holes and continue cleaning to achieve a sparkling clean sifter, and a clear bathtub drain.

As has been mentioned before, to keep your bathtub sparkling clean, use the above-mentioned simple vinegar and water solution, and avoid the unnecessary soap and oil buildup, and the growth of mold.

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Bathtub Cleaning
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