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Starbucks at The Altmarkt

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt

Star­bucks - the glo­bal brand for the laid-back Ame­ri­can ap­proach to en­joy­ing cof­fee - gets se­rious with the sub­ject of sustaina­bi­li­ty: LED wall­wa­s­hers and LED spot­lights for ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort.

Star­bucks Cof­fee In­ter­na­tio­nal De­sign, Erin Meyer Pla­nung und Rea­li­sie­rung: Star­bucks Cof­fee Deutsch­land, Con­struc­tion Ma­nage­ment, Hanko Geiss­ler

Light­ing de­si­gner:
Star­bucks Cof­fee Deutsch­land, Con­struc­tion Ma­nage­ment, Hanko Geiss­ler

Edgar Zip­pel, Ber­lin


Lighting solutions

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Star­bucks gets se­rious with the sub­ject of sustaina­bi­li­ty. In fu­ture, new cof­fee hou­ses are to be cer­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to the LEED stan­dard. The first of these new and en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious cof­fee bars in Ger­ma­ny has been es­ta­blis­hed at the Alt­markt in Dres­den, on the ground floor of a new hotel buil­ding de­si­gned by the Dres­den de­sign of­fices Pfau Ar­chi­tek­ten for the Spa­nish NH group. In ex­plai­ning the new de­sign con­cept, which takes up the co­lours of the cof­fee world and makes li­be­ral use of wood to crea­te a plea­sant and quiet at­mo­s­phe­re for en­joy­ing cof­fee, Ross Sha­dix, Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor of Star­bucks Cof­fee Deutsch­land sta­tes: "As of 2011, all our new cof­fee hou­ses will be built ac­cor­ding to the same en­vi­ron­men­tal and de­sign stan­dards that we are pre­sen­ting to our guests for the first time here."

LEED is a cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on sys­tem for sustainable buil­dings that was drawn up by the Ame­ri­can "U.S. Green Buil­ding Coun­cil". In­iti­al­ly in­ten­ded for in­di­vi­du­al buil­dings, it de­ve­l­o­ped, not least at Star­bucks es­ta­blish­ments, into the so-cal­led "LEED Vo­lu­me Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­gram", which enables a more sim­ple cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of ar­chi­tec­tu­ral con­cepts for re­tail and re­stau­rant chains.
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Wall­wa­shing is a cru­ci­al fac­tor of ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort be­cau­se it is the il­lu­mi­nan­ce on the ver­ti­cal sur­faces de­linea­ting an area that de­ter­mi­nes the sub­jec­tive im­pres­si­on of bright­ness. Es­pe­cial­ly when com­bi­ned with LED tech­no­lo­gy, wall­wa­shing is a key ele­ment of sustainable light­ing de­sign.

Quint­es­sence LED wall­wa­s­hers il­lu­mi­na­te wall sur­faces and ver­ti­cal pro­duct dis­plays.

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The light­ing con­cept for the ser­ving coun­ter in the cof­fee house can be trans­fer­red to many si­mi­lar si­tua­ti­ons in the ca­te­ring and re­tail tra­des: nar­row-beam light from spot­lights ac­cen­tua­tes the coun­ter sur­face, where it crea­tes the op­ti­mum vi­su­al con­di­ti­ons for guests and staff wi­thout cau­sing glare. The rear wall be­hind the coun­ter is il­lu­mi­na­ted with ver­ti­cal light from wall­wa­s­hers and, to­ge­ther with its pro­duct dis­plays, acts as a be­a­con, as­sis­ting ori­en­ta­ti­on in the cof­fee bar and in­ten­si­fy­ing the brand ex­pe­ri­ence.

Lighting tools used

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Quint­es­sence squa­re

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ERCO track


The Guide sec­tion pro­vi­des tho­rough in­for­ma­ti­on on ever­y­thing from the phy­si­cal bases of light­ing to sug­gested so­lu­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent light­ing si­tua­ti­ons. The in­ter­ac­tive know­ledge mo­du­les vi­vid­ly il­lus­tra­te light­ing so­lu­ti­ons that are pos­si­ble with this pro­duct range.

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt_11Accentuation

Em­pha­si­sing ob­jects to attract at­ten­ti­on

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt_12Spotlights

Fle­xi­ble lu­mi­n­ai­res for tracks to pro­du­ce ac­cent light­ing

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt_13Wallwashers

Light­ing tech­no­lo­gy for ver­ti­cal sur­faces

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt_14Recessed luminaires

Re­ces­sed cei­ling lu­mi­n­ai­res with dif­fe­rent light dis­tri­bu­ti­ons

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From sce­nic wall il­lu­mi­na­ti­on through to ver­ti­cal vi­su­al tasks

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Eye-catching light­ing ef­fects for ob­jects in the room and pic­tu­res

LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt_17LED

Power­ful lamps with an ex­tre­me­ly long life


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LED Lighting Project: Starbucks at the Altmarkt
Topics: Lighting