Trade Resources Industry Knowledge LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe


Benetton megastore Kärntner Straße

The new megastore of Italian fashion brand United Colors of Benetton in Vienna is presenting itself in an aesthetically and technically innovative fashion - illuminated throughout by ERCO's LED lighting tools.

The new me­gas­to­re of Ita­li­an fa­shion brand United Co­lors of Be­net­ton in Vi­en­na is pre­sen­ting its­elf in an aes­t­he­ti­cal­ly and tech­ni­cal­ly in­no­va­ti­ve fa­shion - il­lu­mi­na­ted throughout by ERCO's LED light­ing tools.

Marc & Tino Wie­ser, MTM Tex­til­han­del GmbH, Wien; MVD Aus­tria, frank, rie­per ar­chi­tek­ten, Wien/Graz; In­te­ri­or & CI De­si­gner: Vin­cen­zo De Co­tiis,Mai­land

Rudi Mei­sel, Ber­lin


Lighting solutions

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The ma­gni­fi­cent his­to­ric face of the cor­ner buil­ding is attrac­tive­ly il­lu­mi­na­ted by Gras­shop­per LED pro­jec­tors to un­der­li­ne the rhythm and or­na­men­ta­ti­on of the façade. In­si­de, cust­o­m­ers are sur­pri­sed with a con­tem­pora­ry, mi­ni­ma­list in­te­ri­or which forms an attrac­tive con­trast to the buil­ding's out­ward ap­pearan­ce; pro­ducts and cust­o­m­ers are the main cha­rac­ters here. 

The me­gas­to­re of Ita­li­an fa­shion label Be­net­ton on Vi­en­na's Kärnt­ner Stra­ße is one of two stores in Aus­tria's ca­pi­tal city. Both have re­cent­ly been re­de­si­gned throughout and, in the in­te­rest of sustaina­bi­li­ty and attrac­tive ap­pearan­ce, have been given a new light­ing sys­tem - sol­ved ent­i­re­ly with LED light­ing tools from ERCO.

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The tool of choice at Be­net­ton is Lo­go­tec. Spe­cial­ly de­ve­l­o­ped for LEDs, the new spot­light with its di­ver­se light dis­tri­bu­ti­on pat­terns from nar­row spot to wide flood and oval flood through to wall­wa­sh can be used uni­ver­sal­ly and fle­xi­bly when moun­ted on ERCO's clas­sic 3-cir­cuit track - in the shop win­dow, but also anyw­he­re on the shop floor.

The re­du­ced, flat form of Lo­go­tec is a dis­creet ex­pres­si­on of in­no­va­ti­ve LED tech­no­lo­gy. With con­nec­ted loads of only 13W they, for in­stan­ce, re­place low-vol­ta­ge pro­jec­tors at 50W. The light sour­ces have an ex­cep­tio­nal­ly long life, en­su­re ex­cel­lent co­lour ren­de­ring, and thanks to the Sphe­ro­lit len­ses only avail­able from ERCO are high­ly ef­fi­ci­ent with very litt­le spill light.

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Lo­go­tec LED spot­lights make a con­vin­cing ar­gu­ment in re­tail ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons, but not me­rely due to the high qua­li­ty of their light and their mo­dern feel; also be­cau­se of their eco­no­mic ef­fi­ci­en­cy. Com­pa­red to con­ven­tio­nal lamps, their en­er­gy sa­vings po­ten­ti­al in­clu­des such other fac­tors as low main­ten­an­ce and a re­du­ced ther­mal load, which all cont­ri­bu­te to a fa­voura­ble end re­sult when con­tem­pla­ting the "total cost of ow­nership".
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Lighting tools used

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ERCO track


The Guide sec­tion pro­vi­des tho­rough in­for­ma­ti­on on ever­y­thing from the phy­si­cal bases of light­ing to sug­gested so­lu­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent light­ing si­tua­ti­ons. The in­ter­ac­tive know­ledge mo­du­les vi­vid­ly il­lus­tra­te light­ing so­lu­ti­ons that are pos­si­ble with this pro­duct range.

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_15Accentuation

Em­pha­si­sing ob­jects to attract at­ten­ti­on

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_16Track

Tracks as the basis for fle­xi­ble light­ing de­sign

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_17Spotlights

Fle­xi­ble lu­mi­n­ai­res for tracks to pro­du­ce ac­cent light­ing

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_18Floodlights

Light­ing tools with a wi­de-beam light dis­tri­bu­ti­on

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_19Object

Eye-catching light­ing ef­fects for ob­jects in the room and pic­tu­res

LED Lighting Project: Benetton megastore Kärntner Straβe_20LED

Power­ful lamps with an ex­tre­me­ly long life


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