Trade Resources Industry Knowledge You Probably Didn't Expect There to Be So Many Different Types and Sizes

You Probably Didn't Expect There to Be So Many Different Types and Sizes

When you set out to purchase Christmas lights you probably didn't expect there to be so many different types and sizes. To help you determine which ones are right for your holiday decorating projects, here's an overview of the more commonly used ones.

Sizing Up the Situation

To eliminate a lot of confusion, you need to learn how outdoor Christmas lights are sized. Some common sizes including C6 LED Christmas lights, C7 LED Christmas lights, and C9 LED Christmas lights. The "C" in the size label simply refers to the flame shape, which incidentally stands for candle. The number part of the label determines the size of the bulb. For example, the 6 of a C6 Christmas light bulb indicates it is 6/8-in. in diameter. This means that the smaller the number, the smaller the Christmas lights.

Different Christmas Lights for Different Uses

There is a reason there are so many Christmas lights on the market. While many can be used for the same project, most often there is one size or type available that is better suited for a particular use than the others.


Don't just select the size that is aesthetically- pleasing. Think about the impact it will have on the project. For example, most C6 Christmas lights typically use a 5- or 10-watt bulb, which makes them inexpensive to use while the larger Christmas lights typically require more energy. On the other hand, the larger C7 Christmas lights and C9 Christmas lights tend to be more reliable.

Christmas Light Types

In addition to the size, you also should consider the type. Currently, LED Christmas lights are growing in popularity because of their efficiency and durability. Unlike incandescent Christmas lights, LED Christmas lights are more resistant to color-fading and seem to withstand multiple uses better.

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What are C6, C7, C9 Lights?
Topics: Lighting