Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Choose The Best Backpack for Chileren to School

Choose The Best Backpack for Chileren to School

Tags: Backpack

Choose The Best Backpack for Chileren to School

Students enrolled in every grade need a sturdy backpack that fits. It's best to try one on in the store whether you're shopping for a designer backpack at Bloomingdale's or a kiddie pack with a cartoon theme from Target.

These shopping and fitting tips should help you find the right backpack for you.

Find the right fit.

Remember that one size does not fit all

Ideally, the bottom of the backpack should align with the curve of the lower back, and not more than four inches below the waistline.

A backpack's shoulder-strap anchor points should also rest 1 to 2 inches below the top of the shoulders.

If the backpack doesn't sit comfortably on the shoulders, your child can end up with back, neck or shoulder pain that persists into adulthood.

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Inspect before you invest

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Things to look for on the inside and outside of a backpack before you buy it include:

1. Sloppy stitching or loose threads, which can indicate poor manufacturing

2. Raw, exposed fabric edges, which can fray and weaken the fabric, and possibly get stuck in the zipper

3. Zippers without covering fabric flaps. In our rain test, zippers that were not protected by flaps of fabric allowed water to seep in

Wide, padded, contoured straps are best for comfort and a waist strap can redistribute the weight from the neck and shoulders to the waist and hips.

Use it right

When loading the backpack, put the heaviest items, such as text books, closest to the back and balance lighter items away from the back or in the outside  pockets.

Even though it's tempting to throw a backpack over one shoulder, it's best to wear both shoulder straps so the load is evenly balanced. When adjusting the straps, make sure they're the same length.

Here are some other features to consider.

Zipper pulls. These make it easier to find and unzip the zipper—useful when you're in a rush and easy for small hands to grasp.

overed zippers. In our past backpack tests, covers kept water from seeping into the backpack, compared with uncovered zippers.

Reflective strips. These add visibility—a safety plus, especially on short winter days

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Anyway, a child wearing a backpack incorrectly or one that is too heavy can be contributing risk factors for discomfort, fatigue, muscle soreness, and musculoskeletal pain especially in the lower back.


Written by Nicolas Yang

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