Belt conveyors came into existence in latter half of seventeenth century. Since then, they have become a vital component in transportation and movement of various goods and materials. In early days, these were not popular to the amount they deserve, but gradually every industry start using them for conveying bulk material. The entire process of conveying is very simple and hassle free. This conveyor belt system had a wooden bed and a belt that travel over it.
Just like the one you might have seen at the airports, where the luggage of the customers is placed on the belts and it revolves around so that owner can pick their. In its early times, these were made from leather, rubber or canvas but as technology improved it started to come in other material also depending upon the nature of business and its requirements. Primitive belt system was mainly used for conveying heavy material in bulk from one place to another.
You may have also seen the same at metro or railway stations during the luggage security checks. Yes, these are actually belt conveyors. Among others plastic form of it are also in vogue. These have many benefits in variety of industrial applications. Like Roller Conveyors, they also come in different shapes and sizes to meet the demands of all kinds of users. This is due to the reason different industries manufacture different products and some of them are small as well as light while others are heavy and large. One can also purchase them online, as almost all the manufacturers have made their online presence by the means of their own websites and at a number of business portals.
You can easily choose the reputed one and go with a brand to ensure the quality. Coming to the advantages of it:
Less Manpower Required
It doesn't require you to have a lot of workforce. As you just need one or two to place the material or the product on the conveyor and one or two for receiving it at the other end. This not only saves a lot of time, but also reduces reliance on man power and their efforts.
Minimizes Risk of Damage
It is obvious that when the material or products are transferred manually from one place to the other, there will be chances of falling it on the ground. But, by transferring the same with this, one can be sure about its safety unless maintained a right speed of it and which is very easy to keep.s
Cost is another benefit it offers. This is due to the reason if there will be less product damage, less maintenance cost, product will automatically manufactured in decided budget and will be sold at customer's expected price. In total, this will earn customer's trust and make a reputed brand image.