Trade Resources Industry Knowledge You Will Be Amazed at The Variety of Small Bathtubs Available for Small Bathrooms

You Will Be Amazed at The Variety of Small Bathtubs Available for Small Bathrooms

Having a small bathroom does not mean you give up on the little luxuries that make your day. Those of you who would like to soak in a long bath after a tiring and stressful day need not be demoralized because you think your bathroom isn't big enough to accommodate a bathtub. In fact, you will be amazed at the variety of small bathtubs available for small bathrooms. Those of you considering new and improved bathroom designs for small spaces, here's a look into the numerous bathtub options you can avail of.

Bathtub Styles for Small Bathrooms

Sometimes it is important to forgo one of the many aspects of your small bathroom ideas or designs in order to accommodate a luxury that is a bathtub in the limited space you have. This may be by getting rid of any floor mounted storage you have in the bathroom, or redesigning it in such a manner that the wash basin and commode are placed to free up as much floor space as possible. Once you manage to free up enough space for a bathtub, consider the following options. Japanese Soaking Tubs: These tubs have become popular ever since they hit the market. Available in sizes as small as 40" x 40", these baths are perfect as a tall person (as tall as 6') can sit and soak in a comfortable bath. Available in numerous shapes and sizes, these tubs are much deeper than regular tubs, and are perfect for that small bathroom you are looking to remodel. Corner Bathtubs: Corner bathtubs are perhaps among the best options you can choose for your small bathroom design. Taking up minimal space by fitting comfortably in a corner, these small corner bathtubs come in numerous sizes that can suit your needs. Further, with their rounded edges they give you the comfort you need along with enough space to make your bathroom look open and less cluttered. Simply Small Bathtubs: Because bathtubs are an absolute essential for you, all you have to do is opt for the smallest but definitely comfortable bathtub. For instance, one of the smallest tub is 4' long and 32" wide. Of course, this is suitable for people who are shorter. Whirlpool Bathtubs: If you thought this was a luxury that only a huge bathroom could afford, think again. A whirlpool bathroom is available in sizes suited for a small space, and in fact, offers several health benefits to those who use it. Consider this one if it is the benefits you want associated with such a bath. Shower Tub Combos: One of the best ideas you can implement is a combination of a bathtub and a shower enclosure to bring to you both luxury and practicality. Clawfoot Tubs: Though a symbol of grandeur, clawfoot tubs are also available in smaller sizes for the traditionally designed small bathroom. Giving your bathroom a lavish look in spite of its small size, a clawfoot tub is definitely a choice you can consider for your small bathroom. Small Walk-In Bathtubs: The functionality of this bathtub should be considered as an added benefit as a bathtub for the elderly who have small bathrooms. Instead of having to climb into the bathtub, all they have to do is open the door this tub comes with and walk in to soak in a bath. The door is water tight so there is no risk of spillage. As you can see, the space your bathroom offers should not restrict your plans. With the options available for smaller bathtubs, go ahead and make your bathroom the epitome of relaxation and splendor, and enjoy a long bath where you wash away all the fatigue and stress.

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Small Bathtubs for Small Bathrooms
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