Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Introduction of Six Kinds of LEDs

Introduction of Six Kinds of LEDs

Tags: LED

Miniature LEDs

Types of LED


    Miniature LEDs are some of the most common types of LED lights and can be found in an array of devices with surface-mount or through-hole designs. Miniature LED lights are used mostly as indicator lights on devices such as cell phones or calculators. It is possible to use a miniature LED light without a casing, or package, such as a dome or cube. Lights not packaged are simple semiconductor chips connected to conductive wires. Miniature LED lights fall into one of three categories: low current, standard and ultra-high output.

High-Power LEDs


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    High-power LEDs (HPLED) produce a much stronger light source than most other LEDs. The danger of an HPLED overheating is high and must, therefore, be mounted on heat-absorbent material, allowing the light to cool through convection. Too much heat can cause an HPLED to burn out quickly.

    HPLEDs are becoming common replacements for fluorescent and incandescent lights as they are proving to be more energy efficient. Their initial cost is relatively high but due to a long lifespan, they typically save on energy costs in the long term.

    Many HPLEDs are known as solid state lights. Their electroluminescence is generated through a small, solid mass, rather than through more sensitive and brittle bulbs or fluorescent tubes.

Super Flux LEDs


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    Super Flux LEDs are found most commonly in large panels, such as billboard advertising. These types of LEDs are designed for maximum light emission, as they consist of two positive and two negative leads.

Flashing LEDs

  • Flashing LEDs are stand-alone lights that serve as indicators. To make a LED flash or blink, a vibrator is integrated into the circuit that interrupts its flow in intervals.

Bi-color LEDs

  • Bi-color LEDs combines two light emitting dies connected to one lead in one encasing, allowing for the case to emit two different colors. The current flow of the dies alternates to produce the color variation. These LEDs can also produce a third light when the flow of both dies is equal.

Tri-color and RGB LEDs

  • Tri-color LEDs combines two light emitting dies in one encasing. In contrast to the bi-color LEDs, the tri-color dies are connected to two leads. This enables the two LEDs to light up simultaneously and be controlled. The third lead shares one of the common leads.

    RGB LEDs are the red, green and blue light emitting diodes, commonly found in LED televisions and projections. The LEDs are emitted through a four-wire connection on a common lead.


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Types of LED
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