Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Marking Machines Have Not Been Around Horribly Long in Their Current Automatic State.

Marking Machines Have Not Been Around Horribly Long in Their Current Automatic State.

Marking machines have not been around horribly long in their current automatic state. Originally all etching was done by hand and therefore mass production was not an option. The industrial age brought machines into play, which changed the face of manufacturing; It moved from small individual businesses to factories where many of the same items were created. With an increase in product numbers, an identification system needed to be developed, and marking machines were born. There are many varieties of styles, the most recent of which is the laser markers. A laser marker is much like other marking systems in that it is used for product identification, numbering systems, logos and aesthetic designs. Because laser markers are run by computer programs, they are the definition of precision. Laser technology also allows the laser to permanently change the color of the material being treated without causing the affected area to deteriorate. This means there is no material waste when laser markers are used, which is better for the environment as well as easier to clean up. Between the detail precision a laser is able to perform and the computer program that controls its placement and lines, mass production of many products, such as electronics, car parts and medical supplies have benefited from this technological advancement. Although the laser marker enjoys many positive characteristics, it also has a few drawbacks. Because of the effect a laser strong enough to mark metal would have on human eyes or skin, extra precautions must be taken when a laser marker is in use. Depending on the size of the product being marked, laser marker enclosure can vary from a tabletop rectangular box with a window to see in to a large enough enclosure to fit more then one worker inside its walls. Both the laser technology and the additional space needed to operate it safely are expensive, but in the long run the energy efficiency and speed of laser markers makes them a worthwhile investment. Source:

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The Laser Markers Precision