Naturally Advanced Technologies Inc. (NAT) is pleased to announce that, the company's name will change from Naturally Advanced Technologies Inc. to Crailar Technologies Inc. Accordingly, and at the opening of trading on the TSX Venture ...
Tags: NAT, change name, Crailar Technologies, Naturally Advanced Technologies
How did you come up with the Slow Toy concept? What inspired you? I’ve got a strong feeling about what I would call the ‘slow toy’. It’s a concept that was introduced to me when I went to France and met a lady ...
Tags: Thierry Bourret, Interview, slow toys
New Jersey-based Smart Balance has unveiled plans to change its name to Boulder Brands and reorganise the company into two business segments. The company said the move comes on the back of its US$125m acquisition of Udi's Healthy Foods in ...
Tags: Smart Balance, change name, Boulder Brands, reorganise, business segments
Hanger Orthopedic Group, a provider of services and products that enhance human physical capability, has changed its name to Hanger, effective immediately. Hanger president and chief executive officer Vinit Asar said the company has grown ...
Guinness Peat Group plc (GPG) announces update on value realisation programme and proposed structure On 11 February 2011, the GPG Board outlined a revised strategy for the GPG Group that focused on the following key principles: - GPG to ...
Tags: GPG, investment, capital notes, wind-down plan
Nick Gittins of Techna Glass in Clearfield,Utah,third-place winner in the Pilkington Clear Advantage Auto Glass Technician Olympics(AGTO),was the first-ever recipient of the newly-renamed Ray Asbery Innovation Award,known in past AGTO ...
Tags: Innovation Award, change name, Asbery, construction