Trade Resources Company News Design Guild Mark Has Become Recognised as a Major Mark for Excellence in British Design

Design Guild Mark Has Become Recognised as a Major Mark for Excellence in British Design

Design Guild Mark Call for Entries and Judges

The Design Guild Mark, now in its seventh year, has become recognised as a major mark for excellence in British Design.

The Design Guild Mark rewards excellence in the design of furniture in volume production. When designs meet The Furniture Makers Company’s criteria and are awarded this Guild Mark, the designers will receive due recognition and the industry will be made more aware of the importance of investment in design.

The Design Guild Mark rewards the work of the finest furniture designers working in volume production and the best of British furniture designers working abroad.

Deadline for applications will be 19th February 2014. Application forms can be found in the Design Guild Mark section of the Company’s website:ownload the PDF “Design Guild Marks – Call for Entries”

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Design Guild Mark Call for Entries and Judges
Topics: Furniture