Trade Resources Company News IBM Introduces Cloud-Based Analytics Service for Auto Industry

IBM Introduces Cloud-Based Analytics Service for Auto Industry

IBM has unveiled a cloud-based service designed to help automakers turn driver and vehicle data into actionable insights.

IBM Introduces Cloud-Based Analytics Service for Auto Industry

The cloud service will facilitate real-time diagnostics on engine trouble; provide insights for predictive vehicle maintenance, as well as guide drivers to the most efficient traffic routes.

The company recently announced expansion of its Internet of Things (IoT) platform called IBM IoT Foundation through integration with ARM.

The latest IBM Internet of Things (IoT) for automotive solution is also based on IBM IoT Foundation, which is designed to help automotive manufacturers gather data from individual sensors and combine with other data for real-time analysis.

The service is designed to provide driver, vehicle and environmental insights through analytics, taking into consideration both vehicle and geo location data collected in the car.

The company said that with IBM's IoT for automotive service, developers will be able to develop new applications easily using IBM IoT Foundation.

Continental Infotainment & Connectivity Business Unit head of Software & Connected Solutions Brian Droessler said: "The number of connected devices continues to grow at an extraordinary rate, and we are constantly on the lookout to use the data generated from those devices in a meaningful way.

"Together with IBM, we can better manage complex streams of data and apply analytics in a way that's secure, allowing us to create innovative solutions."

IBM is just one of the tech titans that have embraced IoT and it recently created an Internet of things business unit and appointed former Thomas CEO Cook Harriet Green to lead the division.

Recently, Intel also strengthened its efforts towards connected vehicles by setting up an Automotive Security Review Board (ASRB) in order to fight the cyber security risks in the connected vehicles.

Image: IBM introduces Cloud-based analytics for connected vehicles. Photo: courtesy of Stock Photography/Fotosearch.

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