Trade Resources Culture & Life The Introduction of The Jings

The Introduction of The Jings

China's Minority Peoples - The Jings

The Jings, with a population of 18.915, live in Wanwei, Shanxin, Wutou and Tanji villages of Fangcheng City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

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Du Xian Qin, a traditional musical instrument, has only a single string and a body made of half a bamboo tube.

These subtropical islands produce a large amount of sea products. In addition to the more than 700 kinds of fish, the pearl, sea horse and sea otter are the most famous.

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A Jing family.

The Jings are good fishermen as well as farmers. They developed an economy combining coastal fishery and farming.

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Every Jing woman is a hand both at home and work.

The Jings' ancestors formerly lived in Jipo of Vietnam. About 400 years ago, some, living in the coastal area Tushan, migrated and settled down in the Wutou Island. In history, the Jings were called "Yuezu". After the founding of new China, they were officially called the Jing Nationality.

The Jings are Catholics or Taoists. They have their language, but they speak and write Chinese.

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Pulling the net.

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Gong to sea.


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