Trade Resources Industry Views Milk Is Widely Accepted and Takes a Large Share of Market

Milk Is Widely Accepted and Takes a Large Share of Market

In the past,the domestic fresh milk mainly is packaged by glass bottle,and then sends to the customers.In recent years,with the development of market,varied high temperature sterilized normal temperature milk is widely accepted and takes a large share of market.And that result the sale of fresh milk glass bottle declined sharply.At present,the enterprises dealing in fresh milk glass bottle are in danger.

However,in our opinion,the situation will not last for long.Fresh milk takes more than 80 percent of market share in Europe and America.Though the quality guarantee period of fresh milk is relatively short,it is rich in nutrients due to its Bartlett low temperature sterilization process.The normal temperature mike is on the contrary.It has long quality guarantee period but lower nurtures.At present,the normal milk takes an advantage in milk market,but the situation will change when people have a better knowledge of milk.The structure will be changing sooner or later.Once the fresh milk is back to mainstream,the glass bottle manufacturers will be benefit from the change.In addition,the fresh milk glass bottle is in compliance with the present market environmental requirements than others.



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Fresh Milk Glass Bottle Back to The Mainstream