Trade Resources Industry Views Russia Is Set to Import Food From Iran, Starting January 2015

Russia Is Set to Import Food From Iran, Starting January 2015

Amidst restricting food imports from various European countries, Russia is set to import food from Iran, starting January 2015.

Citing Russian agriculture watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor representative Alexey Alexeyenko, Russian news agency Tazz reported that both the countries have agreed to co-operate on food supply.

Alexeyenko was quoted by the news agency as saying: "We made certain that products offered for exporting to Russia from Iran were of high quality, for instance, dairy products."

Russia would import products ranging from fresh milk to hard cheese. Its shopping list also include potential purchases of fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Iranian premium-class shrimps from the Gulf and trout bred at fisheries near Teheran are expected to be the first entrants in Russian market.

Alexeyenko said: "It is planned to import 20,000 tonnes of high-quality trout and at least 3,000 tonnes of shrimps and sea foods from Iran."

The authority has already issued export permits to 20 Iranian companies, he added.

Meanwhile, both the countries are expected to use national currencies in bilateral food trade next year.

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Russia to Import Food Products From Iran