Trade Resources Industry Knowledge There Are Many Advantages in CB Test Certificate

There Are Many Advantages in CB Test Certificate

1. Can be converted abroad Certification
By the application of the CB certification test certificate and report (including the national differences report) for review (if necessary , providing a small number of samples), the results of the review, if qualified, you can get the certification, without the application by the statute and rules of procedure for additional tests.  

2. China may change national certification
According to CB test report issued and the difference between Chinese pilot product certification report obtain our electrical products mandatory or voluntary certification by the other.  

3. Directly recognized by other countries or approved
With CB test certificate and CB test report, your product can be directly exported to certain countries.  

4. Cost savings and time
Domestic enterprises applying for foreign certification before, if the domestic application CB test certificate, As the pilot in the country CB testing laboratory, not only in cost savings, and send samples and documents sent to the turnaround time is saved, domestic enterprises can soon achieve CB test certificate;

5. Increased product testing by the certainty
If the enterprise has been made CB test certificate, the application of the certification of other countries, CB all or most of their test results are recognized, waive or reduce the sending sample testing, the same savings in time and costs; More importantly, the certification of products for the domestic done CB test, the increase in the product through different tests certainty.

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CB Test Certificate with The Advantages