Trade Resources Industry Knowledge There's No Reason to Let Your Office Redesign Stress You out or Eat a Huge Hole

There's No Reason to Let Your Office Redesign Stress You out or Eat a Huge Hole


We'll be the first to admit that redesigning your office is slightly less fun than redecorating your spare room.There's a lot more planning involved,for one thing,and the stakes(and budget!)are much higher.But these days,we live in the future.There's no reason to let your office redesign stress you out or eat a huge hole in your budget.Here are a few easy ways to save a buck while still getting the office of your dreams.

1.Take the Time to Plan

4 Ways to Save Money on Your Office Redesign

Before you start hauling furniture out to the Dumpster or putting up ads on Craigslist,think about what you need—and want—in a new office.Think seriously about what works and what doesn't in your current design.Make a list of everything that annoys you about how things are set up now,and everything you'd want in your dream office.You probably won't be able to solve every problem or get everything single thing on your list,but you can maximize your chances of creating a really great space if you think ahead.

2.Reuse Your Old Stuff

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The temptation to just pitch out all your old equipment will be strong.Resist that urge.New furniture costs a mint,and chances are,some of your current furniture would be just fine for a new space.Remember that small changes can add up to a big difference.Once you paint,and move the seating arrangements,you might not even notice that you're using the same desks and chairs.

3.Buy Used Office Furniture

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If you do need new furniture,consider buying things that are new to you.Here at Arnolds,for random example,we refurbish used office furniture back to like-new condition,and sell it for a fraction of the price of new equipment.We promise you,no one will be able to tell the difference between that brand-new Aeron chair(price tag:$1000)and the gently used one you got from Arnolds Office Furniture(almost 50 percent off at$549.)

4.Use Free Apps

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Remember those small changes that we discussed earlier?Thanks to the miracle of the internets,they're practically free.You can find a huge variety of free and low-cost apps that will help you plan things like paint colors and furniture layouts.

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4 Ways to Save Money on Your Office Redesign
Topics: Service , Furniture