Trade Resources Company News Launches New Best Practices Management Tool to Codify ROI Learnings.

Launches New Best Practices Management Tool to Codify ROI Learnings.

Launches new best practices management tool to codify ROI learnings.

Marketing Evolution, the leader in marketing ROI measurement and analytics, announced the acquisition of Boston-based software firm Good Carrot today. The acquisition follows years of close partnership between the two companies, and will allow Marketing Evolution to fully integrate Good Carrot's intelligent marketing software into its suite of marketing ROI management solutions.

Marketing Evolution CEO Rex Briggs stated, "Good Carrot's impressive software capabilities are well-aligned with Marketing Evolution's goal of creating a truly closed-loop marketing ROI system. From their planning software to measurement dashboards, Good Carrot has been at the forefront of marketing technology, and we are excited to combine our efforts to improve marketing ROI for our clients." Marketing Evolution's Good Carrot Software Platform will empower marketing executives with a single mission control system, enabling marketers to monitor and manage their marketing initiatives.

Good Carrot's Managing Director John Matthews will serve as the President of Marketing Evolution. He stated, "Bridging the gap between measurement and planning is crucial for marketers; with Good Carrot's software and Marketing Evolution's ROI measurement tools, marketers can now make informed adjustments to their campaigns in real-time. Using ROI measurement to support media planning is the first step, but having intelligent software makes it possible to execute on those learnings in an effective and efficient manner."

The acquisition coincides with the launch of the Best Practices Engine, a tool which assists marketers with campaign execution and knowledge sharing. The Best Practices Engine is an interactive database that automatically and proactively pushes the most relevant best practices to the most relevant people at the most relevant time in a campaign cycle. Briggs stated, "Best Practices Engine is crucial in the bigger picture of marketing ROI. Too often, ROI is lost when a campaign moves from planning to execution because key insights that informed the media plan are not being seen by those executing on it. Best Practices Engine ensures that relevant knowledge is not only delivered to the right people when it is most actionable, but also that these insights are retained for future campaigns." Marketing Evolution invites those interested in learning more about the Best Practices Engine to visit

About Marketing Evolution

Marketing Evolution has offices in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and El Dorado Hills, CA. Marketing Evolution is a full service marketing ROI management firm that specializes in cross-media measurement and optimization. Through its Good Carrot Software Platform, Marketing Evolution offers an end-to-end marketing ROI solution that combines best-in-class measurement with intelligent marketing software. More information about Marketing Evolution's products and services can be found at its website.

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Marketing Evolution Announces Acquisition of Software Partner Good Carrot