Trade Resources Culture & Life "Year of The Rabbit": Products Related to Rabbit Won Popularity Among Buyers This Year

"Year of The Rabbit": Products Related to Rabbit Won Popularity Among Buyers This Year

A citizen shows two rabbit toys at a store in Nanchang, capital of central China's Jiangxi Province, Jan. 9, 2011. The year 2011 is the "Year of the Rabbit" under the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar in which each year is named after one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals in turn. Therefore, besides traditional decorations for the Spring Festival, products related to rabbit won popularity among buyers this year.

Rabbit Toys Popular Ahead of "Year of The Rabbit"

Ding Wenjie shows her toy at a store in Nanchang, capital of central China's Jiangxi Province, Jan. 9, 2011. The year 2011 is the "Year of the Rabbit" under the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar in which each year is named after one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals in turn. Therefore, besides traditional decorations for the Spring Festival, products related to rabbit won popularity among buyers this year.

Rabbit Toys Popular Ahead of "Year of The Rabbit"_1

Rabbit toys are displayed at a store in Nanchang, capital of central China's Jiangxi Province, Jan. 9, 2011. The year 2011 is the "Year of the Rabbit" under the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar in which each year is named after one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals in turn. Therefore, besides traditional decorations for the Spring Festival, products related to rabbit won popularity among buyers this year.

Rabbit Toys Popular Ahead of "Year of The Rabbit"_2

Chinese lanterns are hanged at a store in Nanchang, capital of central China's Jiangxi Province, Jan. 9, 2011. The year 2011 is the "Year of the Rabbit" under the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar in which each year is named after one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals in turn. Therefore, besides traditional decorations for the Spring Festival, products related to rabbit won popularity among buyers this year.

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Rabbit Toys Popular Ahead of "Year of The Rabbit"
Topics: Toys , Arts & Crafts