Trade Resources Culture & Life Hundred-Meter Long Peony Painting Set New World Record in Luoyang

Hundred-Meter Long Peony Painting Set New World Record in Luoyang

Hundred-Meter Long Peony Painting Set New World Record in Luoyang

Hundred-meter Long Peony Painting Set New World Record in Luoyang.

It took Qiu Shilou about 10 years to finish the Chinese traditional realistic painting Ode to the Peony.

This painting has just hit the world record as world's longest scroll for peony of its kind.

A senior authentication expert from World Record Association issued the certificate to Qiu Shilou on the spot.The 114.77 meter long and 0.84 meter wide peony scroll is combined by 58 peony paintings and it was created by Qiu from 2003 to 2013.

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