Trade Resources Industry Trends My Three-Year-Old Niece Has an iPad

My Three-Year-Old Niece Has an iPad

My three-year-old niece has an iPad.

Ok,so it's the family iPad,but she uses it frequently.As do her parents and her 12-year-old brother.

Although they like the idea of kids'tablets,for whatever reason her parents haven't purchased one just yet.But my niece doesn't mind.She gets to watch cartoons,play games and draw pictures on it,which keeps her occupied(and her parents happy).

However,she's also obsessed with a couple of other more traditional toys in particular.She has a pair of talking Woody and Jesse figures from Toy Story,and takes them with her absolutely everywhere–especially Jesse the cowgirl whom she adores.

She was playing with them one day over Christmas,acting out her own little story as usual,when her brother took the iPad and sat down next to her.You can guess what happened next.

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