The reported week experienced a vivid demand at unchanged firm quotations and a still weak Euro. Despite a reduced number of working days, a good turnover was registered especially in the long- and extra-long staple range.
Sales for near dates respectively the 2nd quarter prevailed, but some contracts were even closed for 2014.
The following contracts were closed:
Medium staple cotton: Cotton from Greece, Spain and West Africa was ordered for prompt delivery. Central Asian and West African descriptions were sold for the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2013.
Long- and extra-long staple cotton: Egyptian Giza 86 and Giza 88, Israel Acala rgd., California Acala rgd., Israel Acalpi and Sudan Barakat for the 2nd quarter 2013. USPima for prompt. Moreover US-Pima and Israel Pima for the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2013 as well as for the 1st quarter 2014.