The quantity of UK local authorities collecting beverage cartons from the kerbside has reached 50%, leading to an increase of their recycling, according to The Alliance for Beverage Cartons & the Environment (ACE) UK.
The achievement, which follows ACE's co-operation with its members, local authorities and consumer groups, is said to represent a 12-fold increase on 2006 levels.
Every year, about 60,000t of paper-based cartons are used in the UK to package milk, fruit juice and a range of food products, including soup, chopped tomatoes and pulses.
Ceredigion County cabinet member for transport, waste and carbon management Councillor Alun Williams said, "Ceredigion County Council is always looking for ways to improve its recycling rate and our efforts are greatly assisted by the active participation of Ceredigion residents."
ACE represents packaging companies such as Tetra Pak, Elopak and SIG Combibloc and is supported by BillerudKorsns and Stora Enso, which produce about 98% of the paperboard used by its members to manufacture beverage cartons in Europe.
This is equal to around 2.3kg of cartons per household which could be recycled rather than being thrown away as waste.