Trade Resources Industry Views a New Report Has Warned That 20% of Stores Could Disappear Altogether From UK High Streets

a New Report Has Warned That 20% of Stores Could Disappear Altogether From UK High Streets

Increase in High Street Store Closures Predicted

One in five shops will close over the next five years says new survey.

A new report has warned that 20 per cent of stores could disappear altogether from UK High Streets, as more people shop online.

The Centre for Retail Research predicted that one on five High Street shops will close over the next five years.

Retailers selling music, books, gifts and DIY are at the most risk, it says.

It also predicts that the proportion of shopping done on the internet will double to 22 per cent.

Dan Wagner, CEO of Powa Technologies - which has created e-commerce technology solutions for High Street names such as Tesco, Superdrug and Laura Ashley - said: "This will be a wake up call for many retailers that are sleep walking into turmoil.

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Increase in High Street Store Closures Predicted
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