The counterfeiting of well-known brands and products is a problem that continues to rise each year and is currently estimated to make up five to seven percent of world trade, or $1.77 trillion in 2015.
Counterfeited brands, including consumer safetyClass X capacitors are used in “across-the-line” applications where their failure would not lead to electric shock. Class X safety caps are used between the “live” wires carrying the incoming AC current. In this position, a capacitor failure should not cause any electrical shock hazards, rather, a capacitor failure “between-the-lines” would usually cause a fuse or circuit breaker to open., manufacturing and electrical products, can have threatening implications for industry workers and facilities alike.
These unsafe lookalike devices use, without authorization, the trademark, service mark or copyright of another with the intention of deceiving prospective customers into believing that the product is genuine.
Even the trusted marks of independent certifications have been counterfeited. Manufacturers of these counterfeit products rely on deception, the Internet and prices below market-level to get these products into homes, businesses, and commercial and industrial manufacturing facilities.