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Omega-3's Ability to Improve Memory

A University of Pittsburgh research team recently published results in the journal PLOSOne regarding omega-3's ability to improve memory.

A major difference from other memory studies was their subjects were young, 18 to 25, non-smoking men and women from all walks of life with no evidence or background of mental issues or drug use.

The research team checked every way possible to ensure the 13 selected subjects were squeaky clean. Then they were tested for working memory instead of long-term memory before the trial. After the six-month trial of daily omega-3 fatty acids, they were tested for working memory again.

To ensure the daily intake omega-3 was adhered to along with the restriction of no more than two alcoholic drinks daily, the subjects were often physically tested. After the six months, they all showed significant improvement with their working memories.

The lead researcher, neuro-scientist Bita Moghaddam commented: "Before seeing this data, I would have said it was impossible to move young healthy individuals above their cognitive best. We found that members of this population can enhance their working memory performance even further, despite their already being at the top of their cognitive game."

But: They used Lovaza, a pharmaceutical omega-3 source primarily intended to reduce triglycerides. It's better to use clean, high omega-3 fish oils that contain more antioxidants.

Omega-3 fatty acids for brain and overall healthMainstream medical doctors are increasingly understanding the value of unadulterated essential omega-3 fatty acids for curbing chronic inflammation and boosting cardiovascular health.

There have been two dramatic episodes of using high dose fish oil through feeding tubes of comatose, brain injured young men that resulted in amazing and rapid recoveries.

Still, mainstream medicine waffles with this approach and avoids establishing it as a "standard of care" for brain trauma.

Healthy, unadulterated omega-6 is found abundantly in cold pressed virgin olive oil and other cold pressed nut and plant based oils. Avoid processed hydrogenated oils. They're actually toxic. Most nuts will also supply some heart healthy omega-6.

The SAD (standard American diet) is saturating most Americans with too much omega-6 because of too many toxic, processed omega-6 oils in their processed and fast foods. Those oils lead to cardiovascular, liver, and other health problems.

So in addition to consuming only unadulterated omega-6 oils, the challenge is to take in sufficient omega-3 oils. These are essential fatty acids that need to be supplied from external sources. Omega-3 is more vital than most think.

Flax seeds need to be ground freshly each time they're consumed, while chia seeds don't require grinding. Flax oils need to be refrigerated. Hemp (non-THC) seeds or oils from Canada are legal and contain a perfect balance of omega-3 and 6. Walnuts or cold pressed walnut oil round up most of the vegan choices for omega-3.

However, some bodies, especially as they age, lack the ability to efficiently convert plant based omega-3 ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) into the more powerful and comprehensive health boosting EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids from animal sources are intact and ready to work. Animal sources include eggs and meats from free range sources, wild cold water fresh fish like tuna, sardines, and krill. Avoid farmed fish and be vigilant for contamination with sea life sources.

Fish and krill oils from clean, cold water seas that are checked for PCB and mercury contamination are convenient shortcuts, which also eliminate contamination anxiety. Fish or krill oils without preservatives need to be refrigerated.

Some do add a bit of lemon or orange flavoring to camouflage fish oil's yucky taste. 

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Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake Improves Your Memory
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