Trade Resources Industry Views Rosemary Conley Has Launched Six Low-Fat Cooking Sauces

Rosemary Conley Has Launched Six Low-Fat Cooking Sauces

UK-based Rosemary Conley has launched six low-fat cooking sauces,which will be an addition to its healthy low-fat food range.

The new cooking sauces will be available in various flavors,such as Thai Red,Piri Piri,Tomato&Basil,Tikka Masala,Jerk Barbecue or Tomato&Chilli.The sauces can be stored at room temperature,without the need for refrigeration,and they have a long shelf-life,reported the Food&Drink Innovation Network.

Rosemary Conley noted that the sauces are made from natural ingredients and contain less than 5%fat.They also do not contain wheat or gluten.

The sauces will be available at £1.49 per pouch.They can also be ordered by mail in packs of six at £8.94&packaging,said the company.

Rosemary Conley also offers Rosemary Conley's Solo Slim,which includes 18 ready meals,11 soups and three varieties of Nutrition Bars,Low-Fat Mature Cheese and Hot Chocolate Drink.

Rosemary Conley is a franchise-based weight loss organization,which offers low-fat food products in the UK.



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Rosemary Conley Launches Low-Fat Cooking Sauces