Magura has issued an "urgent safety notice" in Germany, urging owners of a limited number of Magura MT6 and MT8 hydraulic brake levers to stop using them immediately because of possible failures when used in very cold conditions.
The company's U.S. subsidiary is waiting for approval from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission before issuing a recall notice here. However, Magura USA has contacted its dealers and asked them to stop selling the relevant brakes and is gathering information from dealers about brakes that are in the marketplace and in the field, said Jeff Enlow, general manager of Magura USA.
Enlow said his office has translated documents from Magura's German headquarters and forwarded the information to the CPSC, which he expects to issue the recall notice soon. The process was delayed when CPSC offices in Washington were closed Wednesday due to snow, he said.
"We are just in a waiting mode now, but we are in touch with our dealers," he said.
Enlow said he expected that the U.S. recall procedure will offer dealers two options: Either dealers would be shipped a new master cylinder and small bleed kit, and would be paid a small fee to perform the replacement, or dealers could opt to send the brakes back to Magura USA to have the work done. The exact recall procedure is pending approval by the CPSC, however.