The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has come up with new guidance documents relating to the safety of novel and traditional food from third countries.
According to EFSA, the fresh regulation has been made in an attempt to ensure the food safety prior to decision of risk managers on whether they can be marketed in Europe.
It will replace the previous regulation issued in 1997 and would come into effect in January 2018. The new regulation would also bring in a centralised assessment and authorisation procedure.
The European regulator said that the risk managers will take a call on the market authorization of novel foods. They may also ask it to carry out a scientific risk assessment to confirm the food safety.
Novel food has been defined by the regulator as food that was not consumed to a significant degree before May 1997 by European citizens. The list of novel food includes food from new sources like oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids from krill, food derived using new technologies like nanotechnology or by using new substances like phytosterols or plant sterols.
Traditional food on the other hand has been defined as a subset of novel food that is traditionally consumed in countries outside the European Union and made from plants, microorganisms, fungi, algae and animals.
As per EFSA, the new guidance has detailed the necessary information for applicants to provide for risk assessment. The applicants can also clarify on how to put up the information before it to assess the safety of the novel or traditional food.
In September, EFSA completed its re-evaluation of all food colours allowed for use in the European Union prior to 2009.