Tomra Sorting Food has unveiled two new potato sorters in the ongoing Interpom-Primeurs 2016 trade fair in Belgium.
The two sorters are dubbed Tomra 5A and Tomra 5B. While Tomra 5A sorts completely unpeeled and peeled process potatoes, Tomra 5B sorts processed potatoes.
Both the potato sorters are claimed to have been designed to enhance product quality and safety besides reducing product waste and maximizing uptime.
Tomra Sorting Food market unit manager Jim Frost said: “The TOMRA 5A sorter represents the latest innovation in whole product sorting technology. The machine has improved performance and added functionality to help customers address the increasing demands on the processor for food safety assurance, improved yields and lower running costs.”
The key highlight of the Tomra 5A, as per its maker, is its ability to remove foreign material, resulting in minimized food contamination and improved product quality.
The Norwegian sensor-based sorting company claims that the 5A sorter can recover product whose quality lies between good enough to accept and not bad enough to be thrown away.
It can make the leftover product into alternative end products like potato flakes by sending it to re-peel or trimming lines.
On the other hand, Tomra 5B deploys a smart surround view technology enabling 360-degree inspection of the product besides enhancing the product appearance, said the company.
Tomra has claimed that the technology in Tomra 5B helps in improved foreign removal besides guaranteeing product quality and decline of false rejection rates.
Recently, Tomra launched a laser-based sorter in China to help food manufacturers reduce aflatoxin contamination in their products.