Trade Resources Company News FrontDoorSoftware Added Six New Prominent Universities to Its Growing Client Base

FrontDoorSoftware Added Six New Prominent Universities to Its Growing Client Base

FrontDoorSoftware Corporation, a young start-up company that provides universities with a Safe Campus computer program that allows students, faculty and staff on campus access to valuable laptop theft prevention and tracking software, has recently added six new prominent universities to its growing client base. The new universities include Alabama A&M University, Brigham Young University Hawaii, California State University Fullerton, Cornell University, University of California Irvine and University of Southern California (USC).

"Universities are now making it a priority to protect their and their students' valuable laptops against theft and put in measures to help increase chances of a fast recovery," said President of FrontDoorSoftware Corporation, Carrie Hafeman. "We're proud to provide this theft prevention and recovery software to help campuses stay safe and give staff and students peace of mind that they have a plan of action in place should their laptop go missing."

The six new university clients join the ranks of dozens of other prestigious schools including University of California (UCLA), University of Florida, and Brown University, making the number of students and staff able to participate in FrontDoorSoftware's Safe Campus program total more than 500,000. Students, faculty and staff at the universities are encouraged to enroll their personal and university-issued laptops in the program by installing the software on their computers via a link on the university's website.

FrontDoorSoftware Coroporation has gained notoriety not only among universities for providing this one-of-a-kind, patent pending service, but also among entreprenuers and start-up organizations as a top company to watch. FrontDoorSoftware has won two out of two start-up competitions in the Silicon Valley area including placing #1 out of 175 start-ups competing at a VatorSplash Competition by wowing the judges with its innovative product offering and competitive business plan.

FrontDoorSoftware's Safe Campus program makes it incredibly easy to offer protection to the entire campus at once. When a school or university signs up for the program, they are provided with their own FrontDoorSoftware URL or web link to share with students and staff members. This URL provides each individual with the instructions for uploading the software to their computer and enlisting them in the "Safe Campus" program with a free 4-year theft prevention and recovery license.

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New Start-up, Frontdoorsoftware, Gains Traction Among Top Universities, Adding Another Six Schools to Its Ever-Growing Client List