Trade Resources Company News 4t Networks Offers a 50% Discount off of The Setup Cost of Their Disaster Recovery Service

4t Networks Offers a 50% Discount off of The Setup Cost of Their Disaster Recovery Service

4t Networks wishes to encourage those in North Carolina to be prepared with a viable backup and disaster recovery plan.

Chances are that if you reside in North Carolina, you already know how truly devastating a hurricane can be to the physical structure and inventory of a business. In today's world, however, the virtual damage that a hurricane can do is often equally as harmful. 
In response to this heightened risk that comes with hurricane season, 4t Networks is raising awareness and helping organizations to protect themselves by offering a 50 percent discount off of the setup cost of their disaster recovery service. By simply typing in the coupon code HURRICANE2012, you can keep your data safe while spending as little as possible. This offer is available until the end of the hurricane season (officially November 30th). 
Even without that special offer, your disaster recovery solutions can be extremely simple and straightforward with 4t Networks. You choose only the amount of coverage that you need, priced accordingly, with no hidden charges.
"With all the physical work that goes in to battening down the hatches for a hurricane, it can be easy to overlook all of the data that can actually be quite vulnerable," explains Kevin Gray, President of 4t Networks. "But once you make the switch to virtualization and replication, you will have copies available that you will be grateful for, in the case of a disaster."
With a business model based in superior customer service and ease of use, combined with the edge to keep up with each technological advance, 4t Networks can give you all you need to prepare your business, without wasting either your time or money.
To learn more about how 4t Networks can help you with data recovery solutions before the hurricanes hit, please visit
About 4t Networks:
4t Networks is a managed virtual hosting company based out of metro Atlanta. Since 2004, 4t Networks has been providing the world with the very best in hosting. Superior customer service, a top tier data center and dedicated server virtual space make 4t Networks the best choice in Cloud hosting and disaster recovery. With customizable data and usage plans, you can always get the dedicated server space your company requires from 4t Networks.
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4t Networks Encourages North Carolina to Be Prepared for Hurricane Season with Disaster Recovery