Trade Resources Company News Elite Pharmaceuticals Has Shipped Phendimetrazine Tartrate 35 Mg Tablets

Elite Pharmaceuticals Has Shipped Phendimetrazine Tartrate 35 Mg Tablets

Elite Pharmaceuticals has shipped Phendimetrazine tartrate 35 mg tablets as part of the previously announced manufacturing and supply agreement with Mikah Pharma. 

As part of a distribution agreement between Mikah and Actavis, Actavis will distribute Phendimetrazine tartrate 35 mg tablets, which are equivalent to generic version of Bontril PDM(R) 35 mg tablets.

Elite chairman and CEO Jerry Treppel said, "The manufacture of PDM by Elite for Mikah and its subsequent distribution by Actavis/Watson represents another example of the Company's strategy for enhancing our generic pipeline and cash flow."

Under the agreement, Elite will be paid at an agreed upon price for the manufacturing and packaging of Phendimetrazine tartrate 35 mg tablets.



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Elite Pharmaceuticals ships Phendimetrazine tartrate tablets