Trade Resources Company News Barbara Crowhurst Is One of The Headliners at The Second Casual Living Conference

Barbara Crowhurst Is One of The Headliners at The Second Casual Living Conference

Retail Coach Barbara Crowhurst to Present at Casual Living Conference

Barbara Crowhurst,CEO of Retail Makeover and an internationally recognized professional retail speaker and trainer,is one of the headliners at the second Casual Living conference.Outer Spaces:Expanding the Universe for the Outdoor Room will be held Feb.20-22 at the Westin La Paloma Resort&Spa in Tucson,Ariz.

Touted as North America's top retail coach,Crowhurst's career spans many years,from working with some of the largest corporate retailers in the country to consulting with thousands of independent stores.She has spoken at the New York Gift Show,Atlanta Apparel Show and for the American Lighting Association,among others.

Recently,Crowhurst took on directing the independent retail movement in Canada,focusing on the exploding trend of shopping and supporting local,independent shops.The program was launched in July 2012.

"There are plenty of common mistakes that many retailers make,"Crowhurst said."For starters,some of them cut their promotional money when it is needed most.Second,they delegate financial matters to people who don't understand the cash flow challenges of retail.Third,they fail to shop successful stores for ideas and inspiration.Ultimately,they forget to think like the consumer they are trying to attract."

But one of the biggest blunders,she said,is they skip seminars and workshops."The whole investment in one's self is so important-to invest in education.Information motivates people,"she said.

Crowhurst's address,How to Fine Tune Your Business Plan for 2013,will cover quite a bit of ground with many useful tips and strategies,and with one resounding message to those in the casual outdoor furniture business:Effective retail is in the detail.

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Retail Coach Barbara Crowhurst to Present at Casual Living Conference
Topics: Furniture