According to research firm Gartner's data, in the third-quarter, global shipment of Lenvo's PC rank first. However, the shipment in Chinese market decline sharply.
The latest information shows that PC's sales in the third-quarter declined 8.6%, which proves that using tablet is the globalizing trend. Apple and Google will benefit from the trend but traditional PC enterprise such as Micorsoft and Intel will suffer from it.
Gartner says that the third season is usually considered to be the homecoming season. But PC's shipment on this season was only 80,300,000 units, the lowest record since 2008. The largest reduction occurred in Europe, Middle East and Africa. America's sales increased by 3.5%, benefited from models with news Intel chip and filling the low inventory.
The strong growth of Lenvo PC's sales in America offset the sales reduction in Asia.
In the third-quarter,Lenvo PC's shipment increases by 2.8%, with 17.6% global market share.
The former top seller HP's shipment increased by 1.5%, whose global market share was 17.1%. It was the first shipment's growth since 2012.
Written by Nicolas Yang