Several Australian meat producers are petitioning the government to take control of the halal certification system in the country.
Around 10 of the largest meat processors in Australia have approached the government in order to streamline certification from the present haphazard system.
Currently, Muslim nations have certain jurisdiction in place for Australian beef, which is resulting in loss of access to markets and lack of confidence.
The Australian producers have stated in the letter to the government that the current measures are not supportive and leave them exposed to the risk of losing market access if halal nation based importers do not have confidence in the business, Global Post reported.
According to the meat processors, if the halal practices are streamlined throughout the country with a government-controlled program, it would minimise risk to business.
In 2014, 65% of Australian beef was exported with most of that going towards nations such as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, all of which need halal certification of some kind.
Halal slaughter involves animal's throat to be cut swiftly with a sharp blade in order to minimize pain and suffering. The Islamic law requires animal slaughter to be conducted in this way, Global Post reported.
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi is currently chairing a Senate inquiry into the Australian halal certification, reported Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Image: Australian processors ask for streamlining of Halal meat certification. Photo: Courtesy of lom66/