Volvo Car Group and Ericsson are planning to launch connected vehicle cloud which enables the drivers, passengers and the car to connect to services in the cloud.
The technology will allow the customers to access applications regarding information, navigation, and entertainment, while facilitating the company to open parts of the platform to various service providers in the eco-system the automotive industry.
For providing the services the group will have to make agreements with content providers such as internet radio providers, road authorities, cities' governments, toll-road operators and others.
Volvo Senior vice president of Product Strategy and Vehicle Line Management Lex Kerssemakers said : "We clearly see that cars in the near future will integrate the same level of digital services that consumers today are used to have in their homes or at work."
Ericsson head of Business Unit Support Systems Per Borgklint said: "Drivers want services that technology makes possible, in real time and in the context that fits them personally."
Volvo's driver behavior and traffic safety measurements, with Ericsson's consulting, system integration and managed services from mobile communication solutions are to define and select future services that will be supported by the platform.