LiveItEveryday,the identity-centric clothing line developed for people who align themselves with the company's belief,"Give as we go to make a contribution beyond ourselves",launched this week just in time for the holidays.
The LiveItEveryday brand developed organically from the idea that clothing can be a powerful tool in raising both contributions and awareness for deserving causes–apparel with a purpose.For every sale from the Live it Everyday clothing line,the company donates 11 percent of the proceeds to a charity that connects in some way to the design's message.At Live It Everyday,apparel with a purpose comes to life in the high quality fabrics and designs used for its unique lines of patriotic apparel including its men's patriotic shirts,world peace shirts and peace apparel,and marathon t-shirts and sports apparel.Inspirational apparel artistically crafted messages are used to support charitable causes in four categories:The Athletes,The Faithful,The Patriots,and The Peacemakers.From the Athletes line,"The Runner"celebrates the meteoric rise of women runners over the past 40 years.Women's soccer and volleyball designs are coming soon.All Athletes line purchases initiate a donation to the"Shoes That Fit"charity which provides new shoes for children in need so that they can attend school in comfort and with dignity.From The Faithful line,the"Shield of Faith,"and the"Jesus Cross"shirt designs celebrate the power of Christian faith and contribute to"Show Hope,"a ministry that enables individuals and communities to address the needs of the world's orphans for food,shelter,care,spiritual nourishment and family.
From the Patriots line,the"George Washington's Sword"design offers a proud testament to American patriotism,with sales benefiting"Homes For Our Troops",an organization committed to building specially adapted homes for service members who have been severely injured in combat.The Live It Everyday line is growing and evolving,and is committed to creating sensational apparel for passionate people to not only identify themselves by,but also make a contribution beyond themselves by helping others–apparel with a purpose.
"Live It Everyday is a belief,"says founder Mike Russell."It's a belief we live our passions every day,we live life every day."Live it Everyday is an ideal that is reflected in our tagline,'your life,your passion'."