Trade Resources Company News ELLE Decoration UK Has Successfully Lobbied for Equal Rights for Design

ELLE Decoration UK Has Successfully Lobbied for Equal Rights for Design

ELLE Decoration UK has successfully lobbied for Equal Rights for design.On May 23,the UK government announced official changes to the law concerning copyright protection,from 25 years for registered designs to the life of the creator plus 70 years.

Over the past few months,ELLE Decoration UK,with the support of Sir Terence Conran,has campaigned to protect creativity,support originality and to stop the exploitation of designers by affording design the same copyright protection as art,literature and music.The new law now protects design in the same way as the arts.

"After just a few months of noisy Equal Rights for Design campaigning,we at ELLE Decoration UK are absolutely thrilled to see our efforts rewarded by this change in government policy,"commented Michelle Ogundehin,Editor-in-Chief of ELLE Decoration UK."It's been a glaring British hypocrisy to see the discipline of design relegated,with regards to copyright protection,to a position below art,music or literature,all pursuits which already enjoy protection for 70 years after the death of the originator,so this change is timely,correct and crucially,smart future-thinking for Brand UK.

Fakes are quite simply the theft of ideas and a creativity-drain,and the old laws marked Britain out as the knock-off capital of Europe.This change recognises these facts,and marks a new direction for the recognition and appreciation of the power and contribution to society of design.I'm delighted that ELLE Decoration UK played a part in helping to make this happen."

"By protecting new designs more generously,we are encouraging more investment of time and talent in British design,"said Sir Terence Conran."That will lead to more manufacturing in Britain,and that in turn will lead to more jobs–which we desperately need right now.Properly protected design can help make the UK a profitable workshop again.We have the creative talent–let's use it."

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ELLE Decoration UK Achieves Equal Rights for Design
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