Trade Resources Company News Film­LOC Inc. and KNAPP Logis­tics Automa­tion Become Numbers of RPA

Film­LOC Inc. and KNAPP Logis­tics Automa­tion Become Numbers of RPA

Film­LOC Inc. and KNAPP Logis­tics Automa­tion, Inc. have joined the Reusable Pack­ag­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, broad­en­ing the types of reusable solu­tions and ser­vices rep­re­sented by the asso­ci­a­tion. Film­LOC offers a patented, silicone-free plac­ard holder for label­ing and re-labeling reusable con­tain­ers and totes, racks, and other items. KNAPP pro­vides reusable man­age­ment solu­tions, includ­ing a com­pre­hen­sive sys­tem solu­tion for sort­ing all types of con­tain­ers automatically.

"We became mem­bers because our val­ues are con­sis­tent with those of the RPA's," said Shirl Handly, Pres­i­dent of Film­LOC. "We have been long time sup­port­ers of envi­ron­men­tal causes – sup­port­ing local farms and busi­nesses, and reusing and recy­cling when­ever pos­si­ble. We hope that we can con­tribute to the Asso­ci­a­tion and learn from the other mem­bers. We also hope to expand aware­ness of our products."

"KNAPP offers automa­tion and ser­vices for all aspects of reusables sort­ing and man­age­ment that com­ple­ment the prod­ucts and ser­vices of other mem­bers of the RPA, mak­ing the over­all sup­ply chain more effec­tive and cost effi­cient, all the way through to the end user," said Jerry John­son, Mar­ket­ing Man­ager, KNAPP. "By bring­ing our 10 years of expe­ri­ence in the Euro­pean mar­ket and work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tively with other mem­bers, we can build the mar­ket for reusables in the US. We believe the RPA is the best forum to share expe­ri­ences, dis­cuss mar­ket trends, and develop solu­tions in coop­er­a­tion with pool­ing providers, food/retailers, and pallet/tray manufacturers."

"Col­lab­o­ra­tion is a key ben­e­fit of RPA mem­ber­ship," said Jerry Wel­come, Pres­i­dent, RPA. "We plan to offer more net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for our mem­bers in 2013 to bring together our col­lec­tive resources to advance reusables in the mar­ket. We wel­come Film­LOC and KNAPP to the Association."

About Film­LOC
Film­LOC man­u­fac­tures and sells Intelli-Plac, a patented sil­i­cone free plac­ard holder for label­ing and re-labeling reusable con­tain­ers and totes, racks, shelves, skids, pal­lets, equip­ment, man­u­fac­tured goods in process, ship­ping crates and other items. Intelli-Plac is made from a sin­gle layer film that is man­u­fac­tured with­out any coat­ings, thus mak­ing Intelli-Plac ide­ally suited for envi­ron­ments where sil­i­cone con­t­a­m­i­na­tion would cause seri­ous prob­lems, such as paint shops, clean rooms or other sen­si­tive appli­ca­tions. Intelli-Plac is durable even in dif­fi­cult appli­ca­tions and can be re-used more often than other plac­ards, thus reduc­ing the amount of resources used. Intelli-Plac con­tains no sil­i­cone coat­ing or other non-recyclable chem­i­cal coat­ings so it can be recy­cled while still applied to HDPE or PP con­tain­ers or after removal from other types of con­tain­ers. This equates to sav­ing resources and sav­ing money. Film­LOC prod­ucts are man­u­fac­tured in the US.

KNAPP works with cus­tomers all over the world to develop cus­tomized inte­grated solu­tions to address ware­house logis­tics. One of its core prod­ucts is KiSoft RMS, a com­pre­hen­sive, auto­mated sys­tem solu­tion for sort­ing emp­ties (bot­tles, crates, sys­tem con­tain­ers, and also fold­ing boxes). The sys­tem not only sorts bot­tles and con­tain­ers with 100% accu­racy, it also deter­mines the cor­re­spond­ing deposit value for each item indi­vid­u­ally. The solu­tion pro­vides high-performance and effi­cient sort­ing of up to 12,000 reusable con­tain­ers per hour. The inte­gra­tion of a con­tainer wash­ing machine means that it is also pos­si­ble to sup­ply clean con­tain­ers

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Filmloc and Knapp Logistics Automation Join Reusable Packaging Association