Good understanding of the business and customer allowed Outokumpu to propose a promising concept for stainless steel service centre Equinox.
Officials said that "Our customer now benefits from our first rate quality and accurate deliveries, and our deliveries to the customer are increasing."
In the beginning of 2012, Outokumpu's sales company in Sheffield, UK proposed a new concept for the UK based stainless steel service centre Equinox International.
The Sheffield sales team saw that Tornio Works' capabilities would provide the optimal product and service mix to satisfy Equinox's needs for the service centre's main product: Equinox supplies flat bars for the needs of the construction industry, manufacturing them from stainless steel continuously produced plate.
Mr James Chalk GM of Equinox made a visit to Tornio Works in early 2012. What he saw first hand in production and among the staff left him deeply impressed.
Mr Chalk said that "Tornio Works is one of the most modern and efficient stainless steel mills I have ever seen. The professionalism of the staff and the efficiency of the operations won me over. They are supported by a great team in the UK."
Since the visit, Tornio Works has supplied a major and growing share of the stainless material used by Equinox in direct mill deliveries to the service centre.
Mr Chalk lists the benefits of the cooperation to Equinox. He said that "The deliveries are accurate. The quality is first-rate. The paperwork is good and efficient."
Mr Dale Robinson, the head of the Outokumpu team serving Equinox in Sheffield, sad that "Mr says that the Outokumpu way of working matches the way he is also building Equinox: delivering the right quality right on time, with the price in the right area. Reliable deliveries and high quality make all the difference in this business."
Mr Robinson expects a deepening partnership between the companies. He added that "This is a great relationship based on willingness of the partners to work together with open minds for the benefit of both."