The series follows the adventures of Rogue One toys as they track down the building instructions to the LEGO Star Wars Death Star, previously misplaced by the Empire.
The third chapter of the fan made Star Wars YouTube series Go Rogue, starring key toys from the new Rogue One line is now live.
The series follows the imagined adventures of Rogue One toys as they try to track down the building instructions to the LEGO Star Wars Death Star, previously misplaced by the Empire.
Chapter three features the first look at the Hasbro Rapid Fire Imperial AT-ACT in action as well as now familiar characters form the franchise in new toy forms including Hasbro’s 3.75-inch action figures.
Adding to the fan-boy nature of the show, some of the special effects featured in the latest installment have been created using the Hasbro Star Wars StudioFX app that launches for free on September 30th.
The four-part Go Rogue series has been embraced by fans worldwide, with the first two installments achieving more than five million views to date.
The series has offered fans a first look at new Star Wars and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story toy lines ahead of their full release this September 30th.