SPOKANE, WA (BRAIN) — Trek and Moots dealer Two Wheel Transit has completed its move from downtown Spokane to a new location in the Washington city’s South Perry Street District. The new shop opened Tuesday, Nov. 13.
Two Wheel Transit has been in business since 1995. Current owners Geoff Forshag and Bruce Abbots bought the shop three years ago. They quickly found the disjointed space—five rooms spread over two levels—lacking sufficient room to display product. Only 40 percent of the store was dedicated to retail; the remainder was storage.
Their new 5,000-square-foot leased space, in a former grocery story with high ceilings and an open footprint, reverses that ratio. It has also allowed Forshag and Abbots to add a Trek Project One area, a dedicated fit studio and an expanded service area.
“Now we’re in a vibrant and growing business district with a lot of restaurants, retail, cafés and other things our other location didn’t have,” Forshag added. “And there’s an elementary school close by too.”