Trade Resources Company News This Month Will See The Return of CNME's Annual CIO 50 Awards and Forum

This Month Will See The Return of CNME's Annual CIO 50 Awards and Forum

CNME to Honour The Region's Top CIOs at CIO 50 Awards

This month will see the return of CNME’s annual CIO 50 Awards and Forum when it hosts the region’s most innovative and intuitive CIOs inside The Address hotel, Marina Mall, on January 30th.

This year will be the fifth year that CNME has held the awards, a Middle East version of the highly prestigious IDG CIO 100 initiative.

CNME will recognise 50 CIOs for their work over the past 12 months following months of collecting nominations and an intensive judging process

The accolades will be presented to companies which have shown a proven ability to push growth, show innovation, optimise business processes, and deal with difficult information technology challenges from the past year.

The nominations for the awards close today.

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CNME to Honour The Region's Top CIOs at CIO 50 Awards