Trade Resources Company News Valeo Sales up 8.2%, Net Profit Down 11% in 2012

Valeo Sales up 8.2%, Net Profit Down 11% in 2012

French auto parts manufacturer Valeo Group announced the financial returns in 2012 recently.

In 2012, Valeo Group sales reached EURO 11.76 billion (15.4 billion US Dollars), up 8.2% year on year, in which the original equipment sales were EURO 9.91 billion (12.9 billion US Dollars), rose 8% year on year, and after market business sales were EURO 1.45 billion (1.89 billion US Dollars), with an increase of 3% year on year.

In 2012, Valeo business profit were EURO 0.67 billion (0.88 billion US Dollars), down 4.5% year on year. The business profit rate decreased from 6.5% in 2011 to 5.7%. The Group’s net profit last year reached EURO 0.38 billion (0.5 billion US Dollars), down 11% compared to EURO 0.427 billion (0.56 billion US Dollars) in 2011.

Of the global markets in 2012, Valeo original equipment (OE) sales grew 8% year on year in Asia, the Middle East and Oceania, in which China’s growth rate was 16%. OE sales decreased 3% year on year in Europe and Africa, and increased 15% year on year in North American market, while dropped 8% year on year in South American market.

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