Trade Resources Company News Performance Solutions Technology,LLC Announces ManagePro

Performance Solutions Technology,LLC Announces ManagePro

Today Performance Solutions Technology, LLC announces the newest release of the company's flagship product, ManagePro .

Your brain processes a lot of different tasks and incoming messages every day, from within one workspace.  But perhaps more importantly, as David Rock cites in his book "Quiet Leadership", our brains are constantly pulling together and cross-relating data, making connections between incoming data in the form of predictive maps. Our brains likes to fit every piece of new information into an existing map, but at the same time they're constantly getting rewired in response to everything going on around us.

That process of cross-relating data, continual updating, and working from larger patterns is exactly what software needs to do to best support your brain. However, most software we use does just the opposite.  Instead it focuses on solving a particular task, but doesn't easily connect information across multiple purposes, adding to our information management work load.

ManagePro  provides a single, multipurpose software workspace that supports you and your brain in optimally getting things done. Need to get stuff organized?  ManagePro does that. Need to plan out a project?  It does that. Need to recognize someone? It does that. Need to track your strategy, link it to existing projects, and display in score cards? It does that. Need it to make your coffee? It doesn't do that.  But you get the point, ManagePro covers your most common tasks, all while leveraging the information within one workspace, connecting and updating data throughout the day across various tasks.

Designed around how your brain likes to process information and the psychology of high performance, ManagePro simplifies and combines project, performance, task, document, strategy and recognition management into one seamless application that delivers results. It helps you leverage and cross-connect information so your brain can see the big picture, with the details only a click away.

ManagePro grabs the tools that commonly reside in separate programs and combines them in one app that help you:

Get back in control, organized, more productive, working what's priority. Get great transparency, accountability and follow-through when working with others. Get more done with less effort and less frustration.

Finally, its display can be custom configured for each user while flexibly adapting to work as well for an individual as it does for an entire organization.

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New Release of Managepro Is Announced