Recently, Shanghai Famous Trademark Review and Adjudication Board publicizes the latest version of Shanghai famous trademark directory. Baosteel Co., Ltd.'s "Baosteel" trademark, Shanghai Baosight Software Co., Ltd.'s "Baosight" trademark and Shanghai Baotian New Building Materials Co., Ltd.'s pattern and Chinese phonetic alphabet synthesis trademark are in the directory.
The latest version of Shanghai famous trademark directory valid date is from January 1 this year to December 31, 2015. 2011. The latest version of Shanghai famous trademark has a total of 495 items and is divided into two categories: the newly identified (133) and continuously identified (272). Baosteel's three trademarks are all awarded Shanghai famous trademark as continuous identified type again.
Baosteel's 3 Shanghai famous trademarks are Baosteel Co., Ltd.'s steel plates, steel bars, steel pipes, Shanghai Baosight Software Co.,Ltd.'s computer (recorded) and Shanghai Baotian New Building Materials Co., Ltd.'s slag.