Coca-Cola has signed an agreement with US-based ScanLife for incorporation of QR Codes on all Coca-Cola Classic and Coca-Cola Zero products in Spain. The codes, which are placed on the packaging can be scanned by the user with the help of any QR Code reader application such as ScanLife.
According to ScanLife, the partnership enables Coca-Cola to strengthen its position as a company that is interacting with consumers right from the packaging of its products.
Coca-Cola digital manager Paco Rodríguez said the results that the company has seen are impressive.
"Thanks to intelligent QR Codes from the Scanlife platform we are able to constantly surprise our consumers with new content, strengthen our position in the mobile space, and understand what interests our consumers," Rodríguez added.
The ScanLife code management platform features advanced technology that enables QR Codes to be a two-way communication with consumers. It further adds value by helping brands deliver to their customers, customized and context-driven content right from their product, and learn from the interactions.
The communication can change in real time and based on a variety of triggers such as frequency of scans, helps marketers to deliver relevant content.