Trade Resources Company News Nestlé Raises Its R&D Capabilities in Switzerland

Nestlé Raises Its R&D Capabilities in Switzerland

Nestlé is extending its Product Technology Centre (PTC) in Konolfingen, as part of its commitment to increase its research and development (R&D) capabilities in Switzerland.

Earlier this year, the company opened a Clinical Development Unit and is set to open the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences in Lausanne.

PTC Konolfingen focuses on the development of infant formula, dairy products and medical nutrition.

The new extension will feature a new spray drying tower, installations for 'wet mix' processing and special production lines to package Nestlé powdered products. It will also be equipped with a process control system to meet a variety of food and safety standards.

The move follows a CHF200m investment in 2011 to open a production unit at the Konolfingen site.

In total the company has invested about CHF465m in the site over the past six years.

Nestlé has 32 R&D centers, including 12 Product Technology Centers worldwide. They include the PTC for coffee technology in Orbe, Switzerland and PTC Singen in Germany.

In 2011, the company announced that it will extend its PTC for confectionery in York in the UK to develop and test technologies, manufacturing processes and equipment.

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Nestlé Ramps up R&D Capabilities in Switzerland